Species of Zephyranthes

  • Zephyranthes atamasco - US (Florida)
  • Zephyranthes aurea
  • Zephyranthes bifolia
  • Zephyranthes candida - S America (Argentina)
  • Zephyranthes chlorosolen - US
  • Zephyranthes citrina - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes clintae
  • Zephyranthes drummondii - US
  • Zephyranthes flavidissumus
  • Zephyranthes grandiflora
  • Zephyranthes guatemalensis
  • Zephyranthes huastecana - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes insularum - W.coast of Mexico
  • Zephyranthes jonesii - US
  • Zephyranthes katherinae - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes labuffarosea - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes lindleyana - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes longifolia - US-west to the NM mountains
  • Zephyranthes macrosiphon - Mexico
  • Z. mesochloa – S America
  • Zephyranthes minima
  • Z. moctezumae - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes nelsonii
  • Zephyranthes nymphaea
  • Zephyranthes primulina - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes pulchella
  • Zephranthes robustus
  • Zephyranthes reginae- AKA 'Valles Yellow' - Mexico
  • Zephyranthes rosea
  • Zephyranthes traubii
  • Zephyranthes verecunda
  • Some Named Garden Hybrids or cultivars: annotated where possible
  • Apricot Queen - apricot
  • Ajax- Z.candida x Z. citrina
  • Aquarius- Z.candida x Ajax
  • Bali Beauty-Marta hybrid
  • Batik-Fadjar Marta hybrid Plant Delights in N. Carolina
  • Bangkok yellow
  • Benidama-pink
  • Becky Sellars - Cherry red
  • Best Pink Trihybrid (candida x citrina x macrosiphon) pink blend
  • Big Dude
  • Big Shot - Z.traubii hybrid Ivory white
  • Orange Big Shot - orange
  • Pink Big Shot (BS x Macrosiphon)
  • Yellow Big Shot (BS x citrina)
  • Capricorn - Orange
  • Carmen Jones - Red
  • Cherry Fireball- redder hybrid seedling of FBL,fades to pink
  • CookieCutter Moon - Yucca Do release White (excellent parent)
  • Copper Mine - Mata Hybrid orange PDN release
  • Dark Pink Spider - F1 fertile grandiflora -
  • El Cielo - a selection?
  • Fadjar's Pink - Marta hybrid
  • Fadjar's Pink x Z. primulina - excellent Frechette hybrid
  • Fadjar's Pink x Z. regina - very fast growing Frechette hybrid
  • Fantasy Island- Marta hybrid, PDN release
  • Fireball - swirly orange and red (fades to white)
  • Goliath - PDN variety- fertile Z. grandiflora hybrid
  • Grand Canyon
  • Horsetail Falls, collected plant, usually distributed as cultivar, large leaves and bulb
  • Ivory Star - Ivory (apomictic)
  • Jakarta Jewel- Marta hybrid, double, center petals reduced in size
  • Java-Marta hybrid PDN release, bright orange, yellow throat hold color well
  • Jim Frechette - F1 fertile grandiflora, fast offset, blooms 1 year from seed
  • Joann Trial
  • Krakatau - Marta hybrid, red orange
  • LilyPies- Yucca do selection of Laffurosea
  • Lydia Luckman - Marta hybrid-pink yellow blend
  • Michelle Casillas - neon yellow hybrid
  • Moulin Rouge-PDN release (double) pink and yellow blend
  • Norma Pearl - Intergeneric cross - White
  • Paul Niemi- Marta hybrid orange (apomictic)
  • Pink Panther- Labuffarosea selection
  • Prairie Sunset- apricot-fades white
  • Redneck Romance- Avent hybrid seedling
  • Ruth Page-
    Salmon Big Shot - Salmon pink
  • San Carlos - exceptionally fragrant white
  • Shannon Hill -Wine-pink hybrid Z.clintae, non-fading
  • South Pacific-Marta hybrid, introduced by PDN
  • Sunset Strain - yellow w/red stripes (apomictic)
  • Tall Pink - Fertile F1 grandiflora
  • Tenexico - may be a natural hybrid? Yucco Do release - small flowered apricot
  • Trihybrid [(Z.candida x Z.citrina) x Z. macrosiphon] marginally fertile
  • Twisted Sister - Yucca Do release -pastel apricot, fades ivory-white
  • XZB-H21 - Fellers hybrid not in commerce - White

Source from Wikipedia